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Gründer und sportlicher leiter 

Date of birth: August 11, 1974

In the coach team since: 1997

Legionaries since: 1997

Baseball player since: 1990

Nationality: Austrian

Employment: full-time


Pitching coach for the European Baseball selection, victorious against the world's number one samurai Japan, Tokyo 2015

From 1996 to 2019 in the role of head coach and assistant coach, he was part of over 25 national masterpieces in the U18 youth division up to and including the 1st Bundesliga. As the head coach of the 1st BL team, he reached two B-club European championships. Nominations as assistant coach U18 and men's national team. Accompanied the Baseball World Championship in 2009 and the Word Baseball Classic Qualifier in 2012.

No coach in Germany has produced more players who have made it into the national team (28), college (9), minor leagues (12) or major leagues (2).

As pitching coach he got a lot of players over the 90mph and they stayed healthy and effortless. They all distinguished themselves by a high level of control.


With the experience from numerous coaching jobs with Major League Teams, Martin knows baseball from student level in Germany to the Major League through coaching to first league spring training. Including Boston Red Sox, Atlanta Braves, Oakland Athletics, Seattle Mariners, Los Angeles Dodgers. Martin has worked for Major League Baseball in Europe for many years and is the Coordinator for Player Development.


Certificates and relevant training:



Rapsodo Certified

OnBase University


PitchAI Biomechanics

USA baseball

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