regensburg academic city
In Regensburg there are overall 20 primary schools, 8 middle schools, 7 special schools, 5 secondary schools and 8 grammar schools. The city also has 36 different vocational schools and the state-approved Regensburg Swiss International School (SIS) with English-language classes.
Vocational high school (picture source: City of Regensburg, picture documentation)
Which school can you attend in Regensburg?
Municipal Von-Müller-Gymnasium (image source: City of Regensburg, image documentation)
University of Regensburg (picture source: City of Regensburg, picture documentation)
Researching and studying in Regensburg?
With numerous general education schools and three universities Regensburg offers all educational institutions of the first and second educational level. All major faculties are represented with the University of Regensburg and the University of Applied Sciences. A total of 32,000 young people are studying every year in Regensburg.
OTH Regensburg (picture source: City of Regensburg, picture documentation)