Hitting und Catching Coordinator
Date of birth : July 22, 1974
In the coach team since: 2019
Legionäre since : 2019
Baseball player since : 1982
Nationality : Italian
He starts playing in the youth sector of the Black Panthers Ronchi dei Legionari, taking part at World Cup and European Championship with the U18 Italian National Team.
In 1990 he debuts at the highest baseball level in Italy, and right after obtain a full ride scholarship to play baseball for the Palm Beach Community College where he plays the NCCA championship. In total he plays 11 seasons in Italy with Ronchi dei Legionari, Verona and Godo.
During his development years he has the chance to work for 3 offseason at Bucky Dent Baseball School (USA), opportunity that allows him to learn from many former major league players and professional coaches.
In 2015 he begins his coaching career with Staranzano Ducks, first with the ISL team of Staranzano Stars, then focusing on the youth sector of the Ducks, from the 2017 he splits his activity between the youth program of the Staranzano Ducks and the senior team of Alpina Trieste.
From 2017 to 2020 collaborate with MLB international as Catchers and Hitter instructor in various Cadet Camps and Elite Camps. In 2017 he is also selected by MLB international as guest coach during the instructional league with the organization of the Toronto Blue Jays.
From 2019 he is the head coach of the Regensburg Legionäre in 1.BL and catchers and hitting coordinator for the Regensburg Baseball Academy.